Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't go cheap!

     We all like to be frugal.  We all want to save a little money by buying stuff in bulk or going with the no-name brand because, come's the same product in a different jar!!  But there is one thing that you can't ever go cheap on.  That, my friends, is toilet paper!  I say that, because I am currently sitting on what still seems like a years supply of Kirkland paper from Costco.  Now, Kirkland doesn't quite live up to the low standards of the stuff we had in school, which doubled as medium-grade sand paper for the woodshop class, but I'm still regretting my purchase.  Of course there are many other things you really shouldn't attempt to pay less for.  One doesn't want to head to the dollar store for condoms or chicken but those seem obvious.  At least I hope they do.  But the next time I need to stock up on bathroom supplies, I'm going with luxury over thrifty!

1 comment:

  1. This interested me so much I googled it... who knew there were so many websites dedicated to toilet paper! Oh God... the awful stuff we used to use at school when I was a kid would NEVER have passed "finger-breakthrough" resistance test... and as for softness and absorbency rate... hmmm...
